I have always said that how we as women feel about our bodies directly comes from how our mothers felt about their own bodies. Queen L confessed she had been a big girl her entire adult life, and for the first time since her gastric sleeve surgery she was a size 10. Her daughter is her whole world and she decided that she wanted to be a body positive role model for her so she took a leap of faith and scheduled a boudoir shoot with Eye Candy.

Aside from her recent weight loss Queen L confessed her bond with her husband had become strained. She wanted to do something for him and herself to show that she was a beautiful, confident woman and their marriage was worth fighting for. I couldn't wait to get her in the studio, and as soon as she came in I asked if she had told him about her shoot. Her answer shocked me!! Not only had she told him about it, but he was thrilled! She even brought one of his work shirts and a wrench to pose with. I had such a blast photographing this lovely lady, and am so happy to know that this experience has helped, even just in some small way.
If you're ready to book your empowering boudoir session go to www.eyecandyboudoiratx.com/booking-2